
Uncle Bob conference

Clean Code

Are you serving your own convenience? 

And this is all about for Robert C. Martin, writing clean code is all about thinking on other developers and thinking on you. Try to give the best every time you write/read code so you or other people won't waste time decoding what you tried to do.

Some suggested books during the conference and what I think are a MUST in your personal library:

  • Michael Feathers: Working effectively with legacy code
  • Design patterns
  • Refactoring Martin Fowler

To quote some interesting points during the conference I enclose here below some bullets I hope you find useful and remember comments are always welcome:
  1. Do not use comments unless is absolutly necessary. Comments are used to explain bad code.
  2. Name functions properly. Don't use different levels of abstraction in the same function. 
  3. Number of lines in a function? Don't pass bool into a function. Don't use switch: breaks IoC. Functions like "is..." within if statements are polite
  4. Use meaningful variable names which they'll help you/others to read your code without scrolling back & forward
  5. Hungarian notation. Don't use I for interfaces maybe use the suffix "Imp" but for the implementation.
  6. Good production systems have test systems (pieces of code only used for testing)
  7. Learn languages every 6 months / year and build your own projects: chess games
  8. Kata / Hackathons / Codetrips are always really useful to boost your coding skills.
  9. "Contest" for Java (Concurrency)
That's all for today, I hope you find it interesting, reagards.


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