
Discover HTML5 and CSS3 (JavaScript come too) - Part 2

In this second part of our introduction to HTML5 we want to focus on main structural elements. We will use a classic blog to show you how to migrate your HTML&CSS code. The first thing "todo" is simple: say the browser you are using HTML5. We do it with the following tag at the top of our page: <!DOCTYPE HTML>. Much easier than older HTML and XHTML versions. Another important point if your site is not in english, is use the "lang" attribute in the <html> tag like here: <html lang="es"></html>. Finally, we need to declare the character definition used <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> or simply <meta charset="UTF-8">. Example:

<html lang="es">
      <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'>

Back to HTML5 structural elements, just take a look to this blog. Is splitted (by <div> and CSS) in different parts: a header with the title of the blog, navigation with several links, content of each post (each post has also header, content, footer, comments,...), the footer at the end of the page... You can use <div> tag for everything you want. HTML5 adds new tags: header, footer, nav, article, section... to avoid use div for all. This doesn't mean you don't need div anymore, it is very usefull to add styles for example, but now, the browser knows what is the purpose of every section of the blog. In the image below you can compare HTML structural elements:

Discover HTML5 and CSS3 (JavaScript come too) - Part 1

I want to start a chain of posts about the new features and how to use them in HTML5 and CSS3. You probably have heard about it, but maybe didn't read so much. These two elements are web standards for developers and they have arrived to replace (X)HTML 4.01 and CSS 2.1. Here the chapters of this course:

Still a beta, HTML5 and CSS3 have some new features you should know:

  • HTML5
    • New tags to represent some content in you web.
    • Delete tags without meaning because of CSS.
    • New elements to create animations or play sound or video without addins (Flash, Silverlight,...)
    • Form structure improvement and native validation
    • ...
  • CSS3
    • New selectors
    • Advanced design: round corners, gradients, multiple background images,...
    • HSL colour and oppacity
    • Fonts and WOFF format
    • Transitions, transformations and animations

Create your own custom login with MVC 4

Here we go again with a new tutorial to show you how to create a customized login using MVC 4 with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. In this post, I will try to explain you how to develop different views, controllers, models, one database and of course, how all these elements interacts between them.

I have used MVC in older posts but I did not expend too much time explaing you how it works. MVC bornt as a software design pattern for implementing user interfaces. It provides a very useful architecture which splits between: the user interface (View), the logic and bridge between the user and the data (Controller) and finally the data (Model). Although originally developed for desktop computing, Model View Controller has been widely adopted as an architecture for World Wide Web. MVC 5 is the last template version released by Microsoft, but there are not too much differents with version 4. For the views, we are going to use Razor (CSHTML), the Microsoft dynamic view engine released in 2010. It is a new way to create your interfaces easier to use than ASPX, here you can check the differences beteween them.

Here below I show you all the steps to have your own login app:

  • Create the solution in Visual Studio: first of all, we need to create our project in VS2010. If you can't find the ASP.NET MVC4 Web Application template as showed in the image below, probably you need to download from Microsoft site. Remeber you need Service Pack 1 of VS2010. Write a name for your project and press OK.

In the following window, select a Basic template, which contains an specific structure of MVC 4. The view engine should be Razor and optionally create a unit test project.

Image recognition using third party web service (recognize.im)

In this example I am going to show you how to consume with C# a third party image recognition web service (REST). First we need to create a new (30 days free) account in our web service provider: www.recognize.im. Remember to save your account settings to make the connection: client_id, clapi_key and api_key. Then upload some images to your new account and save these images in small size to be used by our new application. I used some star wars images, you will see in the code below. Once all of these steps are finished we can start with our app.

Create a new solution in your VS with two projects inside. A console application will be the interface between the user and the second project, a library which saves all the logic for the web service.
Here below you can see the interface application stored in our console project. It gives some image options to our user. Then the user select one by writing the number reference and we make a call to our library.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
using OneFlowApp;

namespace OneFlowApp
    class Program
        //Data members
        private static string client_id;
        private static string clapi_key;
        private static string api_key;
        private static string url;
        private static Dictionary<int, string> images;

        private static void Main(string[] args)
            Program p = new Program();

        private Program()
            client_id = ""; //API User ID
            clapi_key = ""; //CLAPI user key
            api_key = ""; //API user key
            url = @"http://recognize.im/v2/recognize/single/";
            images = new Dictionary<int, string> {
                    {1, "anakinT.jpg"}, {2, "kenobiT.jpg"}, {3, "lukeT.jpg"},
                    {4, "vaderT.jpg"}, {5, "winduT.jpg"}, {6, "yodaT.jpg"}};

        private void run()
            Console.WriteLine("\n|-| Star Wars characters recognition system |-|\n");
            Console.WriteLine("\rPlease select a character (1-6) from the list below and press enter:\n");

            string opt = Console.ReadLine();
            short selection;
            if (Int16.TryParse(opt, out selection)) {
                if (selection > 0 && selection < 7) {
                    string imagePath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "..\\..\\Resources\\" + images[selection].ToString();
                    RestService rest = new RestService(api_key, url);
                    Dictionary<string, object> response = rest.sendData(imagePath);
                    if (response.ContainsKey("status") && response["status"].ToString() == "0") {
                        ArrayList responseArray = (ArrayList)response["objects"];
                        Dictionary<string, object> responseImage = (Dictionary<string, object>)responseArray[0];
                        Console.WriteLine("Match found! ID: " + responseImage["id"].ToString() + ", Name: " + responseImage["name"].ToString());
                    else if (response["status"].ToString() == "1") {
                        Console.WriteLine("Error: " + response["message"].ToString());
                    else if (response["status"].ToString() == "2") Console.WriteLine("No match found.");
                    else Console.WriteLine("No match found.");
                else Console.WriteLine("Not valid option.");
            else {
                Console.WriteLine("Error: wrong selection");
In this part of the code we read the answer from the recognize server to know if it has been able to recognize the image sent. We get different kind of errors and only number “0” means that everything worked fine. In this case we can show the image reference name in the console view.

Noughts and crosses (Tic tac toe) - C#

In this post I am going to show you how to develop over C# a great game: "Noughts and Crosses". Probably you already know how to play this game but if not, you can check it the wiki directly (I am not going to do it men! is an easy game). My application is console and can play alone, showing the result of the game in the screen after all the movements have been done.

The architecture of the program is divided in 5 different classes:
  1. Program.cs: just runs the start() method of the Play.cs class.
  2. Play.cs: it handles the maximun number of movements, the players (O & X), the currentPlayer and the BoardGame.cs class.
  3. Movement.cs: is like a model class, this class has 3 properties: two are for xy coordinates and one for the player who made the movement.
  4. Player.cs: it has two properties for the Id and a boolean if it wins. It also has a method to make a movement because this application plays alone and it generates a random movement.
  5. BoardGame.cs: it saves in a List class all the movements done by the players and the different positions that we can fill. Also it has several methods to check if there is any winner, to know which user filled what position and to know if a movement is possible or not.
Bellow I show you the different code parts for the classes explained before:
  • Program.cs
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace Noughts_and_Crosses
    class Program
        /// <summary>
        /// Main method to start the execution
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Play play = new Play();

OTP generation on MVC - C#

As my first post in this new blog I want to make something a little bit "different". For this reason, this post is about "one time password" (OTP) generation mixed with a little bit of Model View Controller (MVC). The idea for this post is to make an overview (with a little bit of code, of course!) over an authenticator that Google uses.
Most of you already would know about OTP, but if not, your are in the right place. A one-time password (OTP) is a password that is valid for only one login session or transaction. OTPs avoid a number of shortcomings that are associated with traditional (static) passwords. The most important shortcoming that is addressed by OTPs is that, in contrast to static passwords, they are not vulnerable to replay attacks. This means that a potential intruder who manages to record an OTP that was already used to log into a service or to conduct a transaction will not be able to abuse it, since it will be no longer valid. On the downside, OTPs are difficult for human beings to memorize. Therefore they require additional technology to work.
My application is basically a login form which uses username and an OTP provided by the server to login users. The OTP last 30 seconds, after this time, it will expire and the user will need to generate a new one. Now I am going to explain the different parts of my code to make easier your comprehension. First I start with a screenshot of the different program parts and the arquitecture:
  1. Controllers: Encryption.cs is the engine of the app and who generates the OTP password from the user id and a random number. LoginController.cs is the second most important part and is dedicated on handle the user inputs and the management of the information between the Login view and the model.
  2. Models: just User.cs class is needed to handle the user information (login, otp, otp creation date, logged)
  3. Views: UserGetOtp.aspx is the first view where the user writes his login name; UserLogin.aspx is shown to finish the login process with the OTP provided. Finally, after a succesful log process, the Account.aspx view, from the Private Area is shown.

Here bellow you can see the core of the application, the OTP generation method. This algorithm is explained in the point 5.4 of the RFC4226 (see references at the bottom):